Flowerhorn Fish

Flowerhorn cichlids are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. Their head protuberance, or Kok, is formally termed a nuchal hump. First developed in Malaysia, Thailand, and Taiwan. They became very popular with Asian fish hobbyists.

Numerous cast-off flowerhorns have been released to the wild. They have become an invasive pest animal in Singapore and Malaysia.

Flowerhorn fish as a good luck fish

The popularity of the fish is the prominent protrusion on the head. Base on the impression from its head. The Chinese always call them as a name: Luohan fish.

  • Louhan fish (Flower-horn) brings luck and prosperity for anyone who owns them.
  • The shop will sell the latest Thai fish to all who love Flowerhorn Fish.
  • Owner at the shop will directly select the most beautiful fish to experience for you.

Varieties of Flowerhorn fish

  1. King Kong Parrots and Red Ingots
  2. Golden Monkey
  3. Kamfa & King Kamfa
  4. Zhen Zhu
  5. Kamfamalau
  6. Thai Silk

The original flowerhorn hybrid stock is referred to as luohan fish. From the Chinese word for the Buddhist concept of arhat). The four main derived varieties are Zhen Zhu, Golden Monkey, Kamfa, and the golden base group, which includes Faders and the Golden Trimac.

  • This breed is not a natural Cichlid fish. Flower-horn Cichlid is a cross breed fish, from generating of cross-breeding South America Cichlids.
  • The significant of the protrusion on its head is the belief that this fish can get you a head start in your career and wealth.
  • Many people, even the non-hobbyists, buy the fish purely to improve their luck.
  • If you keep a male and a female fish, you can breed the next generation of the Flowerhorn fish.
  • The Flowerhorn fish is a large fish, able to grow to a length of 12 inches and weigh seven pounds. If you take care of the fish, it can live for ten years.